Pandemic Work Plan

Pember Companies, Inc.  Worksite Policy Regarding  Coronavirus/COVID-19


Applies to all consultants, contractors, vendors and visitors to Pember sites


The following policy is effective immediately and until further notice:

  • No one with symptoms such as fever, coughing or difficulty breathing is to be present on site.
  • Any person who exhibits these symptoms will be asked to leave the site immediately and report to their organization’s management for further direction.  Such individuals will not be permitted to return without medical clearance provided from their employer.
  • All organizations with personnel on site are expected to monitor their employees for any signs of illness, exposure or any high risk activity (travel to areas with high incidence of the virus, living with a person diagnosed with the illness or symptoms) and prevent them from coming to the site.
  • If anyone in your organization who has been on site tests positive for the virus, is placed under quarantine or develops the illness, you must notify Pember immediately so that appropriate steps can be taken.
  • Visitors are not permitted onsite.  Only personnel required on site to perform, supervise or monitor the work should be onsite.
  • Any specific directives of our project owners will be communicated and strictly enforced.
  • All onsite delivery drivers will be instructed to stay in their vehicles while deliveries are unloaded.
  • We will stay up to date with the federal government’s recommendations as they may continue to change.


Pember encourages the following actions to avoid the spread of viruses:

  • Washing hands with hand sanitizer when available at each project site.
  • Wiping down commonly used surfaces with disinfecting wipes.
  • We encourage everyone on site to maintain six feet of distance from others whenever possible and avoid congregating in tight spaces such as vehicles and the job trailer.
  • Shaking hands and other physical contact is strongly discouraged.
  • We will use phone/video conferencing to the extent possible to minimize the number of people on site.
  • We will increase use of email communication and avoid large group meetings on site when possible.

Pember Companies, Inc. will not tolerate any discriminatory actions or harassment on our worksites.  Any one engaged in such conduct will be removed immediately from the worksite.


If complying with this policy causes staffing shortages or impairs your ability to meet the project schedule, notify Pember Companies, Inc. immediately to avoid negatively impacting the work of others.


We are dedicated to supporting you all through this unprecedented time.


Brent Pember
